School's Over - Highest Value Four-Year Consumer Science Programs in Iowa

Lifetime Value


Apparel and Textiles

Ames, IA

Iowa State University

Starting Salary

$ 39,030

Cost per year

$ 15,494

Lifetime Value


Consumer Science

Ames, IA

Iowa State University

Starting Salary

$ 39,354

Cost per year

$ 15,494

Lifetime Value


Family and Consumer Economics and Related Studies

Ames, IA

Iowa State University

Starting Salary

$ 37,978

Cost per year

$ 15,494

Lifetime Value


Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services

Ames, IA

Iowa State University

Starting Salary

$ 32,258

Cost per year

$ 15,494

Lifetime Value


Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services

Forest City, IA

Waldorf University

Starting Salary

$ 38,724

Cost per year

$ 18,493

Lifetime Value


Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services

Cedar Falls, IA

University of Northern Iowa

Starting Salary

$ 31,061

Cost per year

$ 14,414

Lifetime Value


Apparel and Textiles

Cedar Falls, IA

University of Northern Iowa

Starting Salary

$ 32,340

Cost per year

$ 14,414

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